Mungitura per bovini: meccanica o a mano?

Milking cattle: mechanical or by hand?

Two milking methods compared

It was once a widespread opinion among the breeders that only the so-called “natural milking” from the cows , so that traditional by hand , could guarantee a high quality milk . Today we know that this is not the case. In order for the organoleptic characteristics of milk are maintained and preserved, in fact, it is necessary to take care of every single detail of the milking process. And such care can only be guaranteed by mechanical technique because, using specific technologies, such as milking systems , allows the farmer's work to be optimised and times to be speeded up , without affecting the health of the cows. bovine . All this, with the manual milking , it would not be possible, neither in large farms nor in medium and small sized ones.

What is meant by mechanical milking?

When talking about a dairy company which uses mechanical milking in its breeding, means a company that uses automatic or semi-automatic milking systems composed of a series of technological components that speed up and make the milk collection , exploiting the principle of air vacuum . This technique in fact requires that the cow's nipples from the rubber Milking Liners , connected to some milk tubes and to some pulsators which allow for the maintenance of a regular pressure and a constant level of air vacuum, to transport the liquid from the breasts to the container.

Why is mechanical milking more advantageous than hand milking?

We have said that mechanical milking has greater benefits than hand milking, so let's see together why:

  • Speed : timescales are shortened and milk is obtained more quickly, while improving work management within the company and increasing profits;
  • Measurability : it is possible to calculate and monitor each single parameter during milking, evaluating any changes to improve the results obtained;
  • Quality and hygiene : zero contamination, zero risks for the animal and maximum safety for the final consumer. Furthermore, if it does not comply with the parameters defined by law, the product is eliminated.

The technological partner for your milking machine

To obtain the benefits of mechanical milking listed above, it is necessary to take care of your system on a daily basis, checking the condition of all its components and, if necessary, replacing them if they are too worn. Milking Liners, milk tubes, gaskets , membranes , valves And connections they need a regular check-up . We at Spaggiari Rubber Industry , a company based in Luzzara and with over 70 years of experience in the rubber processing , we design and supply our partners with silicone products for zootechnics and rubber for multiple uses.

Do you want to get better performance from your milking machine? Integrate our systems into your system rubber components present on the shop . Contact us or call the number 0522 825808 to receive more information.

Control and conservation of raw materials